An educator’s anatomy

Javier Olivera Betrán

*Corresponding author: Javier Olivera Betrán

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Olivera Betrán, J. (2009). An educator's anatomy. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 95, 3-4.



We are all students. The educator helping to train their students learns from them. Each individual has a life cycle to develop their human potential, corresponding to the personal determination and to his constant interaction with the surroundings which is achieved, or not, as the ultimate expression of that process. To achieve this proposition of life we need references that show us the way and help us with the process of self-structuring. The teacher is the natural figure that rises powerful to guide with selfless aid this challenge of life. We are all educators. An old African adage: “To educate a child requires the whole tribe.” All individuals of a human collective that have contact with the younger members of this group are responsible, in varying degrees, with varying degrees of intentions, for the training of these moldable, immature and easily influenced children. We are all students and we learn constantly from our social and ecological surroundings, but also because we already are educators in our positions, behaviors and relations, we are affecting the education of our nearest, especially in the youngest and most moldable. Being an educator, it is not enough wanting to be one, it´s necessary to act as an example, to transmit values and act with a helping spirit for others. Being an educator does not require degrees nor holding a post or statements, the educator stands in a natural way and becomes a reference for someone that looks up to him as a shining beacon, helping to get a slight idea of their path in the darkness of life.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: January 01, 2009