Table 3

Percentage of male and female preschoolers demonstrating competence in performance criteria for object control skills, chi-square value and Cramer’s V. 

OCS performance criteriaMale Female Total Dif.X2 p
Striking (ST) 
1.Dominant hand grips bat above non-preferred 
39,1 17,6 30,0 50,04,297 ,038 ,232 
2. Non-preferred side of body faces the imaginary 
thrower with feet parallel 
34,8 23,5 30,0 29,0 1,179 ,278 
3. Hip and shoulder rotation during swing 73,9 41,2 8,730 ,003 ,330 
4. Transfers body weight to front foot 47,823,5 4,924 ,026 ,248 
5. The bat hits the ball 39,135,337,5 25,5,123 ,726 
Stationary dribble (SD) 
1. Contacts ball with one hand at waist level 52,2 35,32,251 ,134 
2. Pushes ball with fingertips (not a slap) 23,117,6 ,799 ,372 
3. Ball contacts floor in front of or to the outside of 
foot on the preferred side 
47,8 23,5 37,5 25,5 4,924 ,026 ,248 
4. Maintains control of ball for four consecutive bounces without having to move the feet to retrieve it  21,7 23,5 22,5 10,5 ,036 ,850 
Catching (C) 
1. In the preparation phase hands are in front of the body and elbows are bent 56,5 64,7 60,0 23,0 ,546 ,460
2.Arms extend while reaching for the ball as it arrives 60,9 76,5 2,169 ,141 
3. Ball is caught by hands only 47,8 41,2 ,349 ,555
Kicking (K) 
1. Rapid continuous approach to the ball 73,9 47,162,5 14,5 6,015,014 ,274 
2. An elongated stride immediately prior to ball 
43,5 23,5 3,420 ,064 
3. Non-kicking foot placed even with or slightly behind the ball 34,8 47,1 40,0 47,01,228,268 
4. Kick ball with instep or toe of preferred foot 60,9 41,2 52,5 31,5 3,040 ,081
Overhand throw (OT) 
1. Windup begins with downward movement of hand and arm 30,4 29,4 ,010 ,921 
2. Rotate hip and shoulders to a point where the non-throwing side is facing the wall 30,4 17,6 1,705 ,192 
3.Weight is transferred by stepping with the foot 
opposite the throwing hand 
43,5 70,6 5,805 ,016 ,269 
4. Follow-through beyond ball release diagonally across the body toward the non-preferred side  21,7 41,23023 3,517 ,061 
Underhand roll (UR) 
1. Preferred hand swings down and back, reaching behind the trunk while the chest faces the cones 43,5 41,242,5 15,5 ,042 ,837 
2.Stride forward with foot opposite the preferred 
hand toward the cones 
52,2 29,4 4,145 ,042 ,228 
3. Bend knees to lower body 82,6 76,5,460,497 
4. Release ball close to the floor so ball does not bounce more than 10 cm high 43,5 52,9 ,702,402