Analysis of the Success of the Spanish National Football Team in the UEFA Euro 2012

Mario Amatria

Rubén Maneiro-Dios

M. Teresa Anguera

*Corresponding author: Mario Amatria

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Amatria, M., Maneiro-Dios, R., & Anguera, M. T. (2019). Analysis of the Success of the Spanish National Team in UEFA-Euro 2012. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 137, 85-102.



The aim of this study is to observe, describe and analyse the successful dynamics of the offensive game action of the Spanish National Football Team in the UEFA Euro 2012. For this purpose, the relationship of categorical variables was designed according to the different levels of success as objectives to reach in the game, in such a way that sheds light on success in reference to the level of offensive performance of the Spanish National Football Team in that championship. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that to score goals in their offensive actions, the Spanish team starts the play in the central area of the creation sector of the rival pitch and that the ball reaches the forwards, who are responsible for finalizing the attack action. It also follows that increasing the presence of intermediate successes also increases probability of achieving a goal. To achieve these levels of success, the team builds the play through the intervention of 6-7 players, making 6-10 passes during it and giving their action the maximum breadth possible through the use of changes in direction

Keywords: Football, Goal, Metodología Observacional, Observational Methodology, Sports Performance.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: February 10, 2018

Accepted: November 13, 2018

Published: July 01, 2019