Player Training Process during Sport Initiation Stage

Francisco Javier Giménez Fuentes Guerra

Manuel Tomás Abad Robles

José Robles Rodríguez

*Corresponding author: Francisco Javier Giménez Fuentes-Guerra

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Giménez Fuentes-Guerra, F. J., Abad Robles, M. T., & Robles Rodríguez, J. (2010). Player Training Process during Sport Initiation Stage. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 99, 47-55.



During the last decades, a great amount of proposals have appeared related to the phases or stages of sports training. Having analised more than 30 classifications, we have found that very few of them have carried out the sports initiation stage in depth. Most of them include phases related to the sports initiation, development and specialisation. Our work is focused on the sports initiation, considering aspects such as the psicoevolutive characteristics of the children between 8-9 and 12-13 years old, the alternative approach of sports training and the progressive adaptation of materials and rules. The proposal we make pretends to set a suitable progression in sport training.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: January 01, 2010