Towards Recognized Excellence

Javier Olivera Betrán

*Corresponding author: Javier Olivera Betrán

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Olivera Betrán, J. (2009). Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes (1985-2015). Towards Recognized Excellence. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 98, 2.



A year ago we announced through the editorial of 94th publication that Apunts. Physical Education and Sports (ISSN 1577-4015) and Apunts. Physical Education and Sports (ISSN 0214-8757) initiated a change in cycle with the double goal of achieving the highest level of quality scientific publication and being recognized as a magazine with a big impact by the most visible and diffused international data bases.
Close to our 25th anniversary, which we’ll celebrate with our 100th publication, we have edited 2,500 printed copies in two languages: Spanish and Catalan (with a 30% of regular subscribers and a 37% of institutional change, the rest is sold in specialized book stores). During this period we’ve published around 1,100 articles which are available online ( with open access in optional double download: the article and its summary along with the key words, except the four last edited numbers whose articles are blocked to download (although their summaries and key words are available) as deference to the magazine’s subscribers. Our web page is available in three languages: Spanish, Catalan, and English. There you will find the magazine’s essential data, such as contacts, norms for publication of original copies, subscriptions, editorial council, and news; we’ve articulated the online library with a powerful search engine with several criteria of selection which enable the user to consult and investigate by thematic fields, publication number, text, author, or key words. To gain views and diffusion we offer a level of download and consulting in English of titles, key words, and abstracts, but not the complete article, which can obviously be read in Spanish or Catalan.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: October 01, 2009