A method to involve students in their trainin of aerobic resistance

Miguel Vidal Barbier

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Vidal Barbier, M. (1998). A method to involve students in their trainin of aerobic resistance. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 51, 56-63.



So that those students of BUP in our centre can train adjusting themselves to a rhythm lower than the anaerobic threshold, we apply the test Course Navette (test of there and back over a 20-metre distance keeping to a rhythm marked by a magnetic tape. The level of VO2 gives the last period reached). We establish a relation between the maximum VOz obtained in said test (given by the tables) and the maximum race velocity at V02 max. or maximum aerobic velocity (MAV). Knowing the MAV the return time that must be run to an intensity established in training, can be reduced. In this way the student can train at a rhythm in line with his/her possibilities.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: January 01, 1998