Aquatic indoor facilities management

Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia

Melchor Gutiérrez Sanmartín

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Moreno Murcia, J. A., & Gutiérrez Sanmartín, M. (1999). Aquatic indoor facilities management. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 57, 68-76.



The object of the following article is to characterise the operation of covered aquatic installations. Through a sample of 14 managers, the importance that different decisions have for putting in practice aquatic programmes is analysed. The gathering of information was done through a questionnaire CAGIA (Questionnaire for the Analysis of the Manager of Aquatic Installations), (Moreno, 1997). One of the parts asks the manager to evaluate aspects connected with the running of the installation and the aquatic programmes, among which figure elements of marketing and promotion, relation of the programmes with the organs of management, program offerings and exploitation of the covered aquatic installation and questions appropriate to the management of the installation. Among the conclusions to be stressed, we found that the school swimming programmes functioned best, followed by swimming and maintenance, which we traced to the specialisation of the teachers. We also noticed the most influential aspects on the initiation of programmes, confirming the observations of Ramos and collaborators (1996), are the technical director and public demand.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: July 01, 1999