The rarámuri race as a metaphor of cultural resitance
Ángel Acuña Delgado
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¡Who notendurande, not useful! Says a old principle rarámuri, ethnic group inhabitant in the Sierra Tarahumara, inside the Sierra Mother Western of the Chihuahua State in Mexico. With a natura harsh for the survival, is accept the idea what “for live you have to be resistant” and so support the shortage of water and food because of the drought, the intense cold nocturne of winter or the long cross-montains. From hundred of years, mens and womens rarámuri, like the custom says they compete running during the today and the night, for ways abrupts, distances of more of two hundred. In this work is described different aspect of this singular race, for to analyse the principals funtions laik cultural event.
ISSN: 2014-0983
Published: January 01, 2004
Editor: © Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de la Presidència Institut Nacional d’Educació Física de Catalunya (INEFC)
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