Nature Adventurous Physical Activities: a modern or postmodern phenomenon?

Cornelio Águila Soto

*Corresponding author: Cornelio Águila Soto

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Águila Soto, C. (2007). Nature Adventurous Physical Activities: a modern or postmodern phenomenon?. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 89, 81-87.



Nature Adventurous Physical Activities (NAPA), which were emerged during the last decades of twenty century, entail a change in sport practice according to the cultural foundation of postmodernity. Emotion, flexibility, breaking of traditional sport practices and so on, are some characteristics which relate NAPA to postmodern values. Nevertheless, if we analyse the organization and implementation of this kind of physical activities we can find many distinctive characteristics of modernity, specially when those are arranged by private sector company. In this paper I show NAPA as an example of Inglehart’s thesis about posmodernism. According to Inglehart, in west modern societies is taking place a cultural change toward postmodernism, however, it doesn’t mean a complete breaking with structural characteristics of modernity which nowadays still remain.

Keywords: Modernity, Nature Adventurous Physical Activities, Postmodernity.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: July 1, 2007