Towards a field anthropology specialization: sport’s ethnography

David Mata

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Mata, D. (2001). Towards a field anthropology specialization: sport's ethnography. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 63, 6-14.



In this work we present the possibilities and characteristics of ethnography in sport, which began as a specialty of anthropological science whose aim is the study of field of groups and signs which present sport as a basic cultural fact. This form was presented by the author of this article in his doctoral thesis (UCM, 1997). In this article we quote the most important ethnological approaches to the sporting range, and we propose the techniques of study and the methodology of the collection of information. The aim of the science is to reach a deep understanding of the uses and customs, values, problems and hopes of micro societies so different as are professional footballers and clubs of acrobatic parachuting. The work finishes with the showing of a prototype of ethnographical questionnaire to develop with the field work.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: January 01, 2001