The influence of the goalkeeper Efficiency in Handball Teams Performance

Xavier Pacual Fuentes

Carlos Lago Peñas

Luis Casáis Martínez

*Corresponding author: Carlos Lago Peñas

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Pascual Fuertes, X., Lago Peñas, C., & Casáis Martínez, L. (2010). The influence of the goalkeeper Efficiency in Handball Teams Performance. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 99, 72-81.



Using data from the last 6 seasons of the ASOBAL League (from the 2001-2002 to the 2006-2007 seasons), the aim of this study is to analyze the influence of the goalkeeper efficiency on handball team performance. The research is based on linear regression analysis, mean comparison test and logit multinomial. Results point out that goalkeeper efficiency is a relevant variable for explaining the team performance: the higher the efficiency of the goalkeeper, the better the classification of teams. Moreover, top teams have better goalkeeper efficiency than the rest of the teams. Subsequent combination of these variables may be used to develop a model to predict future position within ASOBAL League.

Keywords: ASOBAL League, Efficiency, Goalkeeper, Handball, Rendimiento, Team Performance.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: January 01, 2010