The Farah is moving: An experience with Maghribian women

Sònia Albuixech Gámez

Noelia Batista Martín

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Albuixech Gámez, S., & Batista Romero, N. (2002). The Farah is moving: An experience with Maghribian women. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 68, 92-93.



The Sant Boi Social Services, is requesting the GEDE (Study Group Women and Sport) to apply the program of physical activity for adult women “Surt, mou-te!” (Go out and move) to a group of women immigrants from the Magreb. After a year of intervention, the specific characteristics of the group reveal the necessity of creating a new program of physical activity applied to this women’s collective.

Keywords: Immigrant Adult, Islam Culture, Municipalities, Physical Activity Programme, Women.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: April 01, 2002