Table 3

Sequential analysis of lags 0 and +1; given behaviours are reflected in the left column. The target behaviour and the value of the statistically significant adjusted residual are added In the corresponding cells

Lag 0Lag 1
BEADJEAD (7.11);JEAI (-3.41);
JETI (-2.85);
JETD (-2.26)
BSAI (5.28);
JSAI (5.28)
BSAD (-4.52);
JSAD (-4.52)
BEAIJEAI (7.53)JEAD (-4.48);
JETD (-2.6)
BSAD (4.18);
JSAD (4.18)
BSAI (-3.98);
JSAI (-3.98)
BETIJETI (7.98)JEAD (-2.07);
JEAI (-2.85)
BSAI (-2.29);
JSAI (-2.29)
BETDJETD (8.48)JEAI (-2.56)
BSADJSAD (10.25)JSAI (-6.96);
JSTI (-2.37);
JSTD (-3.34)
BSAIJSAI (10.25)JSAD (-6.96);
JSTI (-2.15);
JSTD (-3.02)
BSTIJSTI (10.25)JSAD (-2.37);
JSAI (-2.15);
BSTDJSTD (10.25);
SL3 (2.33)
JSAD (-3.34);
JSAI (-2.56)
JSTDSL3 (2.33)
JEADJSAI (4.17)JSAD (-2.83)
JEAIJSAD (3.19)JSAI (-3.41)