Table 1

Ad hoc observation instrument.

Match resultWinnerThe team observed won the match
LoserThe team observed lost the match
Temporality of the action1qThe action starts between the start of the game and minute 15
2qThe action starts between minute 16 and minute 30
3qThe action begins between minute 31 and the end of the first half
4qThe action starts between the start of the second half and minute 60
5qThe action starts between minute 61 and minute 75
6qThe action starts between minute 76 and the end of the match
Match statusWinningThe team observed is winning when the action starts
DrawnThe teams are level when the action starts
LosingThe team observed is losing when the action starts
From depth start areaDefensiveThe action begins in the defensive area of the pitch
Pre-defensiveThe action begins in the pre-defensive area of the pitch
MidfieldThe action begins in the midfield area of the pitch
Pre-offensiveThe action begins in the pre-offensive area of the pitch
AttackThe action begins in the offensive area of the pitch
Wide start areaLeft wingThe action starts from the left wing
CentralThe action starts from the centre
Right wingThe action starts from the right wing
Opponent’s defensive organisationOrganisedThe opposing team is defensively organised
CircumstantialThe opposing team is defensively disorganised
Opponent’s defensive positioningForwardOpponents positioning is forward at the start of the action
MidfieldOpponents positioning is midfield at the start of the action
RearOpponents positioning is at the back at the start of the action
Spatial context of the interactionAAForward area vs. forward area
AMForward area vs. midfield area
ARForward area vs. rear area
MAMidfield area vs. forward area
MMMidfield area vs. midfield area
MRMidfield area vs. rear area
RARear area vs. forward area
RMRear area vs. midfield area
RRRear area vs. rear area
PAGoal area vs. forward area
Initial intention offensiveProgressThe team observed progresses towards the rival goal
MaintainThe team observed maintains possession of the ball
Initial intention defensiveRecoverThe opposing team shows a pressing intention to recover the ball
DefendThe opposing team shows an intention to defend their goal
Own half PTime of possession in own half
Opponent half PPossession time in opponent’s half
T TotalTotal time of possession
PassesNumber of passes
Possession areaMDMost possession in own half
MOMost possession in opponent’s half
Result of the actionGoalThe offensive action ends with a goal
ShotThe offensive action ends with a shot
Ball into penalty areaThe offensive action ends with a ball into the penalty area
No successThe offensive action ends with failure