Table 1

Measured and estimated VO2 values and difference between measured and estimated for walking (EQ1-EQ5) and running (EQ6-EQ10). Values expressed in mL·kg·min-1 (mean±SD).

VO2Difference Measured-EstimatedAbsolute differenceSEESEE95 % CIrr2
Lower limitUpper limit
Measured Walking15.68 ± 5.46
EQ112.18 ± 2.933.49 ± 3.123.54 ±
EQ26.60 ± 0.409.07 ± 5.099.07 ± 5.09.465.
EQ316.17 ± 4.72-0.49 ± 2.441.95 ± 1.54.2244.80-0.94-0.05.894.800
EQ414.10 ± 4.841.57 ± 5.054.18 ± 3.21.4629.300.652.48.526.277
EQ523.04 ± 6.46-7.36 ± 5.257.64 ± 4.82.476.51-8.31-6.41.623.389
Measured Running31.68 ± 7.53
EQ630.44 ± 7.121.24 ± 3.773.13 ± 2.41.3427.840.551.93.869.755
EQ726.80 ± 1.374.88 ± 7.167.07 ± 4.97.6513.503.576.18.351.123
EQ826.67 ± 6.465.01 ± 3.725.50 ± 2.95.346.844.335.69.869.755
EQ924.15 ± 6.727.53 ± 8.169.44 ± 5.82.759.976.049.02.348.121
EQ1037.29 ± 9.08-5.61 ± 7.797.32 ± 6.19.7112.79-7.03-4.18.574.329