Table 3

Percentages of responses to the Knowledge Integration Questionnaire. 

QuestionsCG (= 140)EG (n = 147)
1. Do you think it is scientifically interesting to explain any natural phenomenon with the same concepts?44 (31%)47 (34%)49 (33%)126 (86%)* Ɨ
2.1 Can you identify common principles of CAS and general concepts of DST in biological, psychological and sociological processes?23 (16%)25 (18%)22 (15%)133 (90%)* Ɨ
2.2 Which ones?1 (0.71%)1 (0.71%)2 (1.36%)118 (80%) Ɨ
3. Can you use the general concepts (attractors, instability, variability, synergies, etc.) to explain a phenomenon such as a social revolution?1 (0.71%)1 (0.71%)2 (1.36%)109 (74%)* Ɨ
4. And for explaining an organic injury?1 (0.71%)1 (0.71%)2 (1.36%)116 (79%)* Ɨ
Notes: *Significant differences when compared with the post-CG data. Ɨ Significant differences when compared with the pre-EG data. CG = control group, EG = experimental group; CAS = complex adaptive systems, DST = dynamic systems theory. 2.2 question was a descriptive response to confirm 2.1 question.