Table 2

Rubric embedded in the form to evaluate the team presentations.

ItemsExcellent (4)Good (3)Adequate (2)Deficient (1)Percentage of qualification
of concepts
Good domain of the concepts and respond coherently to the questions.Understand the explained phenomenon but have difficulties to link some concepts.Need some rectifications about the usage of the concepts.Have no understanding of the concepts.40 %
Collaborative workThe presentation shows planification and collaborative work. All the members participate actively.The presentation shows planification, but some members present deviations from the group’s framework.The presentation shows some planification, but with different levels of participation among the members.There is no collaboration or even no participation by the members.40 %
and quality
Original topic. Adequate and attractive visual support.Original topic. Adequate but few attractive visual support.Non-original topic. Adequate visual support.Non-original topic. Inadequate visual support.20 %