Functional study of sports knowlegde for the understanding of tactics

Josep Solà-Santesmases

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Solà Santesmases, J. (2005). Functional study of sports knowlegde for the understanding of tactics. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 82, 26-35.



From the theoretical field model in psychology, it is establish a deductive study of the sports phenomena in order to show the tactical behavior as a differential adjustment to social events. First of all, Perception and perceptive-motor ability (Technics) is contrasted with the Understanding that occurs in interactive behavior (Tactics), a part from cognitive behavior. Technics is presented in two functional levels (Constancy and Configuration) but also attending to the concepts of “cyclicity” and repetition. Interactive behavior is presented also by two functional levels (Knowledge and Interpretations) and it is emphasized the fact that the sport understanding is interactive knowledge or interpretation among the participants, which is based in a common adjustment of those participants to social conventions about the ways of playing. It is argued that these social conventionalities are not only those of Attainment of a Final Physical Objective (Opposition) or the Perceptive Harmonization (Collaboration), but also of Modification of the Motor Sequence (Attack and Defense). A clear distinction is made between “interactive knowledge” and “cognitive knowledge” which allows us to differentiate among knowing how to play and knowing what to play means, respectively.

Keywords: Model of Field, Perception, Táctica, Technics and Sport Tactics, Understanding.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: October 01, 2005