Dimensions in the figure of the professional coach in team sports

Ángel Vales Vázquez

Alberto Areces Gayo

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Vales Vázquez, A., & Areces Gayo, A. (2000). Dimensions in the figure of the professional coach in team sports. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 62, 58-66.



In this article we ponder on one of the central figures in the phenomenon of sport: the coach. The progressive professionalisation and commercialization experienced in sport today, demands from the professional coach an adaptation to these new circumstances. The classic concept of the coach as a specialist in technical aspects of a concrete sporting modality has been notably overcome lately. As well as being an authentic specialist in his sporting discipline, a coach must have a talent for public relations, the management of human resources and the establishment of sporting projects.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: October 01, 2000