Cognitive strategies developed by tennis players of different expertise level during game play

Luis García-González

Damián Iglesias

M. Perla Moreno Arroyo

Alberto Moreno Domínguez

Fernando del Villar Álvarez

*Corresponding author: Luis García González

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García González, L., Iglesias Gallego, D., Moreno Arroyo, M. P., Moreno Domínguez, A., & del Villar Álvarez, F. (2007). Cognitive strategies developed by tennis players of different expertise level during game play. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 89, 40-47.



The aim of this study has been to analyze the cognitive strategies used by tennis players during real game, comparing the tactical planning developed depending on the level of expertise. The investigation was fulfilled by 6 tennis players, 3 novice players and 3 expert players. The sportsmen were interviewed after finishing the action of game in order to verbalize what they were thinking about at that very same moment. The content analysis of verbal reports has been realized by means of a categories system proposed originally by McPherson (1999, 2000). The results show that the experts possess a more complex, more sophisticated structure and major knowledge, which allows them to plan better their later decisions during the game.

Keywords: Expertise, Tactical Knowledge, tennis, Verbal Reports.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: July 1, 2007