Change of cycle

Javier Olivera Betrán

*Corresponding author: Javier Olivera Betrán

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Olivera Betrán, J. (2008). Change of cycle. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 94, 3-6.



A scientific magazine, by definition and ambition, must search for the excellence in their intellectual field. Apunts. Physical Education and Sports is a scientific and humanistic magazine which intends to be the reference link between the academic and scientific community and their socio-professional and cultural field. To continue advancing in these purposes we undertake a change in cycle. In Apunts. Physical Education and Sports we want to continue to be the reference magazine in Catalonia, Spain, and Latin America in the field of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport. But we also want to achieve the recognition of the most prestigious international data bases to allow the diffusion and acknowledgement of our gazette amongst the intellectual and academic public of other geographic and cultural areas as magazine of scientific excellence in our socioprofessional field. All of this with the intention of contributing to transform our social and professional reality willing to improve it and provide our disciplinary and social environment with the prestige it deserves.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: October 01, 2008