Attack structure analysis in high level handball teams

Tomás García Calvo

Juan Antonio García Herrero

Ignacio Alonso Roque

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García Calvo, T., García Herrero, J. A., & Aniz Legarra, I. (2004). Attack structure analysis in high level handball teams. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 76, 53-58.


The first aim of this research work is to analyze the offence game structure in high-level handball and its effectiveness related the use (or not) of unfolding during the game in offence. Specific observational methodology was defined and used. First four Spanish teams were studied, in all matches they competed against each other, and finally, the total number of matches studied was twenty four (ASOBAL Spanish League). Statistical analysis was used to measure results’ significance and the possibility to implement them on a bigger population. Lastly some training considerations are presented, regarding data obtained in the present study.

Keywords: Handball, Offensive Efficacy, Offensive Unfolding, Tactic Analysis.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: April 01, 2004