Table 1

Search strategy and key.

Web of Science (WOS)1 TS=(female* OR women OR girl*)
2 TS=(handball)
3 TS=(exercise* OR training OR prevent* OR intervention)
5 TS=(ACL injury* OR anterior cruciate ligament injury* OR lower limb injury* OR knee injury*)
1 AND #2 AND #3 AND #5
Sport Discus(female* OR women OR girl) AND handball AND (exercise OR training OR prevent* OR intervention) AND (ACL injury* OR anterior cruciate ligament injury* OR lower limb injury* OR knee injury*)
PubMed((((female[Title/Abstract] OR women[Title/Abstract] OR girl[Title/Abstract]) AND (handball[Title/Abstract])) AND (exercise[Title/Abstract] OR training[Title/Abstract] OR prevent[Title/Abstract] OR intervention[Title/Abstract])) AND (ACL injur[Title/Abstract] OR anterior cruciate ligament injur[Title/Abstract] OR lower limb injury[Title/Abstract] OR knee injury[Title/Abstract])
Scopus(TITLE-ABS-KEY (female* OR women OR girl) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (handball) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (exercis OR training OR prevent* OR intervention) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (acl AND injury* OR anterior AND cruciate AND ligament AND injury* OR lower AND limb AND injury* OR knee AND injury*))
Cochrane(female* OR women OR girl) in Title Abstract Keyword AND handball in Title Abstract Keyword AND (exercis OR training OR prevent* OR intervention) in Title Abstract Keyword AND (ACL injur* OR anterior cruciate ligament injury* OR lower limb injury* OR knee injury*) in Title Abstract Keyword
ScienceDirect(females OR women OR girls) AND (ACL injury OR anterior cruciate ligament injury) AND (exercise OR training OR prevention) AND handball