Cinematic analysis of the football penalty

José Pino Ortega

Guillermo J. Olcina Camacho

Francisco Selva Medrano

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Pino Ortega, J., Olcina Camacho, G. J., & Selva Medrano, F. (2000). Cinematic analysis of the football penalty. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 62, 34-40.



In this work we have made a cinematic analysis to find out the optimum velocity when taking a football penalty. We discovered that if the ball is aimed inside the post and 90 centimetres from, it at a velocity between 60 and 70 kg/h it is almost impossible that it can be stopped by the goal keeper. Therefore it is necessary to use training systems that carry out these requisites.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: October 01, 2000