Education and happiness

Javier Olivera Betrán

*Corresponding author: Javier Olivera Betrán

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Olivera Betrán, J. (2008). Education and happiness. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 92, 3-4.



If educating is helping to live, a good education must also show the path of happiness. Education is a human process as old as mankind. It’s an essential process for the survival of the group and the continuity of the human race. Through education, the human kind transmits the knowledge stored by a group, instructs the rules of living together, shows the experience acquired by the group, and points out the place that each must take in the pack. Education potentiates the systematic transmission of the group’s culture, strengthens the dominant system, and tries to integrate the new elements of the group in the social, cultural, and political systems. From this perspective, a good education system is that which facilitates the assimilation and social, cultural, and economical admission of a greater percentage of citizens, minimizing percentage-wise the socially margined, the counter-culturals, and the criminals. Any educative project promotes the excellence of the educated in the frame of the installed educative system, in such a way that mature and dominant generations intend to form and instruct the new educated to achieve a new generation of citizens which will continue and improve the existing social project. From this point of view, a good education system is that which extends the equality of opportunities for all the citizens with no distinction of ideology, origin, race, gender, or religion and favors the vital satisfaction of its citizens and also of the group to which it pertains.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: April 01, 2008