Ocular trauma in the sport

Javier Elizalde

*Corresponding author: Javier Elizalde javierelizalde@barraquer.com

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Elizalde, J. (2007). Ocular trauma in the sport. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 88, 15-23.



Ocular trauma related to sports occur quite frequently. They may happen in whatever kind of sports and the clinical findings and degree of severity are highly diverse (traumatic lacerations, contusions, laceration-contusion injury). While early diagnosis and proper treatment with a highly skilled ophthalmology specialist aid in better final visual prognosis, in some cases, the traumatic ocular lesions may sometimes be clinically irreversible. The author then reviews the clinical consequences of the sports-related ocular injuries like involvement of the orbits, the eyelids, the anterior segment and/or the posterior globe and the optic nerve pathways. Most, if not all of these injuries may be avoided using adequate protective measures/materials for different kinds of situations. Moreover, proper sports training and patient education from early childhood and the use of ocular protective glasses especially adapted to the kind of sports, are essential in the prevention of these accidents.

Keywords: Ocular Surgery, Ocular Trauma, Sport Activity.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: April 1, 2007