Which school sport do the families dream of?

María-Teresa Vizcarra

Ana M. Macazaga López

Itziar Rekalde RodrÍguez

*Corresponding author: María Teresa Vizcarra Morales mariate.bizcarra@ehu.es

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Vizcarra Morales, M. T., Macazaga López, A. M., & Rekalde Rodríguez, I. (2006). Which school sport do the families dream of?. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 86, 97-107.



The families’ opinions of tree schools belong to Bizkaiko Ikastolen Elkartea are said in this article (Azkue from Lekeitio, Betiko from Leioa and Seber Altube from Gernika). These opinions show a own way of understand school sport, and they will be materialized in the expression of their dreams. The opinions have been taken from the coordinators of the schools, through the discussions explained. These discussions groups were called with different audiences (pupils, families, instructors, teachers and head-master). The process of research developed in the seminar lies in processes of interpellation, interrogation, verification and redefinition. This study is a qualitative research and pretends the knowledge will be built together (Pérez Gómez, 1994; Imbernon, 1994).

Keywords: diagnòstic, Dream, Education, Family, School Sport.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: October 1, 2006