Tabla A

Estrategias de búsqueda de bases de datos.

Base datosBooleano/Frase:ResultadosFecha búsqueda
SPORTDiscus( “Dual Career*” OR “Dual-career*” OR “Dual Career athlete*” OR “Dual Career experiences” OR “Dual Career Balance” OR “Dual Career Develop*” OR “Dual Career Transition*” OR “Transition” OR “Dual Career Support” OR “Dual Career Assistance” OR “Career Development Gender Inequity” ) AND ( “Student-athlete*” OR “College-athlete*” OR “pupil-athlete” OR “Elite Sport and Education” OR “Sport and Education” OR “university students” OR “Sport and university” OR “Sport and school” OR “Sport and Studies” OR  “Employee-athlete*” OR “Sport and Work” OR “Elite sport and Employment” OR “Sport and Labo$r market” OR “Academic and vocational levels” ) AND ( “Wom* student-athlete” OR “wom* athlete” OR “elite sport wom*” OR “Female” OR “women” OR “female soccer players” OR “Sportswomen” OR “women’s dual-careers” OR “female athletes” ) AND ( “qualitative research” OR “quantitative research” OR “mixed” OR “interviews” OR “focus groups” OR «questionnaires» OR «surveys» ) NOT ( men OR males OR man OR male ) NOT ( covid OR covid-19 OR pandemic OR coronavirus OR lockdown )116 de junio 2022
Scopus( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( «Dual Career*»  OR  «Dual-career*»  OR  «Dual Career athlete*»  OR  «Dual Career experiences»  OR  «Dual Career Balance»  OR  «Dual Career Develop*»  OR  «Dual Career Transition*»  OR  «Transition»  OR  «Dual Career Support»  OR  «Dual Career Assistance»  OR  «Career Development Gender Inequity» )  AND  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( «Student-athlete*»  OR  «College-athlete*»  OR  «pupil-athlete»  OR  «Elite Sport and Education»  OR  «Sport and Education»  OR  «Sport and university»  OR  «Sport and school»  OR  «Sport and Studies»  OR  «university students»  OR  «Employee-athlete*»  OR  «Sport and Work»  OR  «Elite sport and Employment»  OR  «Sport and Labo$r market»  OR  «Academic and vocational levels» )  AND  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( «Wom* student-athlete»  OR  «wom* athlete»  OR  «elite sport wom*»  OR  «Female»  OR  «women»  OR  «female soccer players»  OR  «sportswoman»  OR  «women’s dual-careers»  OR  «female athletes» )  AND  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( «qualitative research»  OR  «quantitative research»  OR  «mixed»  OR  «interviews»  OR  «focus groups»  OR  «questionnaires»  OR  «surveys» )  AND NOT  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( «men»  OR  «mal*»  OR  «man» )  AND NOT  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( «covid»  OR  «COVID-19»  OR  «pandemic»  OR  «coronavirus»  OR  «lockdown» ) )296 de junio 2022
PsycINFO(«Dual Career*» OR «Dual-career*» OR «Dual Career athlete*» OR «Dual Career experiences» OR «Dual Career Balance» OR «Dual Career Develop*» OR «Dual Career Transition*» OR «Transition» OR «Dual Career Support» OR «Dual Career Assistance» OR «Career Development Gender Inequity») AND («Student-athlete*» OR «College-athlete*» OR «pupil-athlete» OR «Elite Sport and Education» OR «Sport and Education» OR «Sport and university» OR «Sport and school» OR «Sport and Studies» OR «university students» OR «Employee-athlete*» OR «Sport and Work» OR «Elite sport and Employment» OR «Sport and labor$r market» OR «Academic and vocational levels») AND («Wom* student-athlete» OR «wom* athlete» OR «elite sport wom*» OR «Female» OR «women» OR «female soccer players» OR «Sportswomen» OR «women’s dual-careers» OR «female athletes») AND («qualitative research» OR «quantitative research» OR «mixed» OR «interviews» OR «focus groups» OR «questionnaires» OR «surveys») NOT («men» OR «mal*» OR «man») NOT («covid»  OR  «COVID-19»  OR  «pandemic»  OR  «coronavirus»  OR  «lockdown»)56 de junio 2022
Proquest(«dual career» OR «Dual-career*» OR «dual careers» OR «Dual Career athlete*» OR «Dual Career experiences» OR «Dual Career Balance» OR «Dual Career Develop*» OR «Dual Career Transition*» OR «Dual Career Support» OR «Dual Career Assistance» OR «Career Development Gender Inequity») AND («student-athlete*» OR «College-athlete*» OR «pupil-athlete» OR «Elite Sport and Education» OR «Sport and Education» OR «Sport and university» OR «Sport and school» OR «Sport and Studies» OR «university students» OR «Employee-athlete*» OR «Sport and Work» OR «Elite sport and Employment» OR «Sport and labor$r market» OR «Academic and vocational levels») AND («Wom* student-athlete» OR «wom* athlete» OR «elite sport wom*» OR «Female» OR «women» OR «female soccer players» OR «Sportswomen» OR «women’s dual-careers» OR «female athletes») AND («qualitative research» OR «quantitative research» OR «mixed» OR «interviews» OR «focus groups» OR «questionnaires» OR «surveys») NOT («men» OR «mal*» OR «man»)86 de junio 2022
WoS (Core Collection)( “Dual Career*” OR “Dual-career*” OR “Dual Career athlete*” OR “Dual Career experiences” OR “Dual Career Balance” OR “Dual Career Develop*” OR “Dual Career Transition*” OR “Transition” OR “Dual Career Support” OR “Dual Career Assistance” OR “Career Development Gender Inequity”) AND ( “Student-athlete*” OR “College-athlete*” OR “pupil-athlete” OR “Elite Sport and Education” OR “Sport and Education” OR “Sport and university” OR “Sport and school” OR “Sport and Studies” OR “university students” OR  “Employee-athlete*” OR “Sport and Work” OR “Elite sport and Employment” OR “Sport and Labo$r market” OR “Academic and vocational levels” ) AND ( “Wom* student-athlete” OR “wom* athlete” OR “elite sport wom*” OR “Female” OR “women” OR “female soccer players” OR “Sportswomen” OR “women’s dual-careers” OR “female athletes”) AND (“qualitative research” OR “quantitative research” OR “mixed” OR “interviews” OR “focus groups” OR «questionnaires» OR «surveys») NOT («men»  OR  «mal*»  OR  «man») NOT  («covid» OR «COVID-19» OR «pandemic» OR “coronavirus” OR “lockdown”) )326 de junio 2022